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Commentary 10 Community Notes 7 Crime 4 Destinations 21 Ubrary Notes 25 Obituaries 27 People 23 Political Notebook 23 2 7 7 2 passionately about the is ue and want their voice to be heard. in Allston is still un- clear, but what is clear is that each side - both the supporters and the opponents - feel very Your film choice: Kitsch or culture?. w hether or not a self-storage act tty will be built at 500 Lin- coln St.

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Brazil ever grips Allston-Brighton By Kate Meyers CORRESPONDENT It's another project that's making neighbors feel they don't matter. The World Cup has become a way for the Brazlllan community to come together. Those discoverie 11 led to a letter- writing and phone-calling cam- SYR I NGES, page 9 LINCOLN STREET STORAGE STAFF PHOTO BY KATE FlOCK Packing away the neighbors Daniella Cavaretta along w Slmlona Almeida, left, and Paula Miranda and Ademlr Chagas, celebrate a goal by the Brazilian soccer team as they watch at Cate elow In Allston. Last year, within a week, two residents found exposed, used sy- ''With the change of law, there's going to be an increase in the number of needles found." Cathi Campbell, Allston n:sident ringes on the street in Allston. What McDer- mott and other Allston-Brighton residents would like to see, how- ever, is information about the proper disposal and handling of used syringes. City addresses a needling problem By Meghann Ackerman STAFF WRITER City Councilor Jerry McDer- mott typed "needles" into the search feature on and got back in- formation about proper Christ- mas tree disposal. 46 Pages 48 3 Sections 75¢ SYRINGE DISPOSAL.

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